principal of object oriented programming system _
The Object oriented system is based upon the following there are two types of model in oriented system.
1. Major
2. Minor
1. Major:- The object model comprises the principal of
i) Abstraction
ii) Modularity
iii) Hearirchy
iv) Encapsulation
2. Minor Elements:- The there elements are
i) Typing
ii) Concurracy
iii) persistance
i) Typing :- Typing is the inforcement of the class after object such as that object of different types may not be interchange or at the most may be interchange only in represent ways .
ii) Concurrancy :- Concurracy is the property that distinguish the ability of an operating system to execute multiple tasks simultaneasly or in an overlapping manner .
iii) Persistance :- persistance is the property of an object through which its existance present time in case of persistance
_ Object continue to exist after its creators to exist.
_ Object location moves from address space in which it was crested .
* Major Elements :-
* Abstraction :- it means to focus an one essential features of an element or object in oops ignoring its esctraneous or accidents property .
the essential features are relation to the content in which the objects is being used .
An abstraction denotes the essential character of an object that distinguish it from the outer kind of object and thus provides defined conceptual boundaries relating to perspective of the viewers.
* Encapsulation :- it is the process of binding both attribute and method of class within a class . Through encapsulation the internal details of a class can be hide from the outsize . The class has method that provides even interface by which the service provide by the class may be used .
* Modularity :- it is the process of decomposition ( program) into a set of module . So as to reduce the over all complexibility of the problem has defind modularity as _
modularity is the property of the system that has been decomposed into a set of cohesive and loosely coupled module
MODULE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - MODULE
loose coupling
* Heirarchy :- heirarchy is ranking and quad ering of abstraction it can be -
* Simple inharitence .
* Multiple inharitance .
* Compression .
* Aggression.
Thanks 🙏👍