what is Object Model ..

 An object model is a logical interface software or a system that is a modeled through the use of object orieted  techniques . it enables the creation of an architectural software or system model prior to development of programming . 

An object model is a part of object oriented programming (oop) life cycle .

An object model helps to describe or define software system in terms of object and classes if defines the interfaces or intractions between different models like . Inheritence encapsulation and other object oriented interface and features .

Object Model Example:

1. DOM

2. COM

Document object Model:-  A set of objects that provides the modeled representation of dynamin HTML and XHTML.

Components Object Model:-  A property microsoft software architecture used to create software components .

C++ offers the programmer a reach arsaultant of bit in as well as define data types following table is list down 

7 Basic C++ data type.

           Keyword                                                                                    Type 

        Bool                                                                                              Boolean 

        Char                                                                                              Character 

        Int                                                                                                  Integers 

        Float                                                                                               Floating 

        Double                                                                                            Double floating point 

         Void                                                                                                Values  

        W Chart                                                                                          Wide Character 

Types of Modifiers :- 

Several of the basic types can be modified using one or more this type of modifiers 





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